Think Different, thank you Steve Jobs

If you know me personally, then you probably know already that I am not only a marketer by education and profession, but by conviction and passion. When it came to Steve Jobs, among all of the things that he amazed us of was one that I would like to particularly share with you, one that really ticks my mind every time I see it, one that goes beyond business, sports, Steve Jobs or Apple itself, the advertising campaign “Think Different”.

This video is self explanatory as you watch it, but as you are, and if you would roll with me on this one, think of each and everyone of the men and women seen in this advertising video, and try to picture what went through their minds when they did what they did. Now think of these 3 questions extracted from the original transcript for the ad campaign… “How else can you stare at an empty canvas and see a work of art? Or sit in silence and hear a song that’s never been written? Or gaze at a red planet and see a laboratory on wheels?”, and to answer these questions in your mind, try closing your eyes as the little girl does at the end of the ad…

Can you see something? If you do, share with us please in the comments section. What she is trying to say to all of us is that it all starts with a dream. Steve Jobs started with a dream, and he put a dent in the universe. He changed the world as we knew it, he defied the status quo, he was a rebel and a misfit, and he stayed foolish and hungry.

The people in that ad were the  crazy ones and misfits of the past, but you and I can be the ones of the present and future that change the world. If we can just dare to think different.

All my best,


Twitter: @asanvicente


8 Comments Add yours

  1. Hello Arturo,

    I loved that video, I loved so much that I literaly heard it for hours despite lasting only a minute.

    You may already have seen it, but here’s the version of the ad with Steve Job’s voice:

  2. I’m glad you liked the video, I have too listened to it many times. Thanks for sharing the Jobs version, and I hope you have a great week!

  3. arturosv says:

    Perdoname bro por la tarde respuesta pero mi sitio esta bajo construcion y lo necesito. Pero me encanta tu blog, echale ganas.

    1. Que tal, no te apures mi estimado, gracias por visitar! Saludos!

  4. I liked your post ! I didn´t remember that video , it is really great !!

    1. Thank you Andrea!, I am glad you liked it!

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